Gateway Academy After School Tutoring
Program Narrative February 1, 2012
Members of the advisory team:
· Lyra Done’
· Alice Gwin
· Cecilia Teal
· Rachael O’Meara
· Cheryl Brake
· John Schneider
· CJ Falcione
· John R. Wible, Principal
This is an after school tutoring program for selected 3rd graders at Brewbaker Primary School. The program is held in the new building of Gateway Baptist Church on every Wednesday that school is in session. The program will be sanctioned by Brewbaker Primary School. Teachers will recommend students for the program based on academic need. Consents will be obtained from parents.
Students are picked up at school either by tutors or volunteer drivers, given a snack prepared by Amy Schneider, and tutored individually by volunteer tutors on homework and subjects of particular difficulty as determined by the student, student’s teacher, and parents. There is still discussion as to whether the tutoring period will end with a group devotional.
Tutors will be selected from volunteers, adults and youth, primarily of Gateway affiliation, though not necessarily. Tutors must submit to a background check and will be supervised by the principal. Sessions will be held in individual pods in the gym.
A recreational period, also held in the gym, will follow supervised by volunteer recreation supervisors and Gateway youth volunteers.
After the recreation portion, students will be dismissed to their parents if they choose not to stay for the remained of the evening activities. Parents wishing their students to remain will pay $10.00/month to cover costs of supper. Students remaining for evening activities will eat together in the sanctuary with tutors or “house parents” at their tables to further the teaching of life skills such as proper table manners and respect for others.
After supper, tutors/house parents will remain with their students for 20 minute worship. After worship, students are dismissed to AWANA program and supervised by AWANA leaders. Parents must pick up students promptly at 7:45 pm.
A student/tutor ratio of 1:1 was desired with 1:2 as a maximum. The maximum number of students to start would be 20. Only 3rd graders will be allowed in to start with and perhaps grow into the 4th grade next term. Program will be continuously evaluated for improvements.
Selection of the students must be a school function as we are not privy, under federal law, (FERPA) to any information on students. The principal of Brewbaker would have to initiate contact with the 3rd grade teachers to recommend students and to survey the parents as to level of interest. Parents must sign a disclosure form to allow Gateway to have their contact and other information.
Tentative Schedule
· 3:10 – pick up from Brewbaker
· 3:30 – snack served in the kitchen by Amy Schneider then to sanctuary to eat. Snack time must be supervised by tutors
· 3:45 – “school” (instruction/tutor) time begins.
o Supplies and materials such as pencils and paper will be obtained and available
o Tables will be set up in pods in the gym.
o Tutors will start with reviewing homework and assisting with it.
o Afterwards, tutors drill on areas of known weakness using resources such as work sheets and games to be provided by Gateway in a library of such to be set up.
o Reading would also be encouraged when above is completed. Student can read aloud as can tutor. Principal will consult with Brewbaker librarian on appropriate books.
o Math would also be emphasized.
o 4:30 to 5:00 – play time supervised in gym or outside by selected youth or recreational supervisors. Supervision of transition from play time to pick up time must be provided
· 5:00 to 5:15 – Possible devotional time (under discussion)
· 5:15 to 5:30 - Dismissal, parents to pick up (or)
· 5:30 to 6:00 – Supper
· 6:00 to 6:20 – Worship
· 6:20 to 7:45 – AWANA
· 7:45 – release to parents
Background Checks
Principal is pursuing background checks consisting of Alabama criminal history and Sex Offender Registry. If youth tutors cannot be checked, recommendations from their school authorities must be obtained.
Assistant Pastor is exploring what insurance would cover transportation of student from Brewbaker.
Additional Activities
We are mindful of the Brewbaker Librarian’s desire to add a reading component to the program and Bruno Resende’s desire to be a resource for soccer and to partner this ministry with his sports ministry, possibly some afterschool or Saturday soccer camps.
Revised program tenets:
· Meets once a week on Wednesday from 3:10- 5:15. Folding into the Wednesday evening program of supper, worship and AWANA, if not amenable to finesse will have to be deferred.
· Program goes through May and ending there. Re-evaluate in May as to whether or how to interface with Gateway summer programs or find other summer programs.
· We are developing a protocol book for students and tutors.
· Training for tutors needs to be secured and will be required.
· Confidential background checks need to be run on all tutors and others who have direct student contact for the protection of all. A simple in-state criminal history and search of Sex Offender Registry.
· Designated drivers pick up at school. All drivers must show driver’s license and proof of insurance and must affirm that they have no convictions for DUI or reckless driving in recent years.
· Program ends at 5:15. Children not staying are picked up at that time by parents. It is the parent’s responsibility to pick up and pick up promptly. Cost would be free thus far. Evening meals would be $10.00 a month.
· We need to assess available rooms in gym bldg.
· Principal (John Wible) would be responsible to assign fill-in tutoring. Permanent “floaters” are needed. Tutors are responsible to report to Principal when they will be absent – hopefully give 24 hour notice. Back-up volunteers will be needed on ad hoc basis.
· If the parent wants the child to stay for the evening program starting at 5:15, cost is $10.00/month regardless of how many Wednesdays in the month. If a child stays for part of evening program, he stays for all and is picked up at 7:45 by parents.
· Habitual tardies and no shows are grounds for dismissal from the program.
· We will present a mechanism to account for all students at all times if they stay for the evening program.
Volunteer personnel: tutors, drivers, recreational supervisors, and “house parents.” “House parents” are non-tutoring adults who will, in absence of tutor, sit with the students during supper teaching manners and appropriate behavior. They will likewise sit with and supervise student during the 20 minute worship period.
· Someone in charge of volunteer personnel;
· Someone in charge of student follow up;
· Someone in charge of facilities coordination;
· A secretary and a Vice-Principal;
· Someone to work on development of policies and procedures including student enrollment forms with appropriate information such as emergency contacts and medications. What to do in case of health emergency or weather emergency? What are grounds for dismissal of student or tutor? Secure a release and hold harmless from parents. Secure a medical proxy from parents in case of dire or immediate emergency requiring immediate 911 transport to hospital ED.
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