Friday, June 27, 2014

Vacation Bible School 2014 - (Southern Baptist) "Agency D3"

I got some wisdom in Vacation Bible School this week. Monday things went well, or so I thought. However, on Tuesday, my teenage helpers were bored and really counterproductive. I got a little cross with them. Drew, Miss Molly and I all chided them for not being “into things,” for being caught up in the hype. Then over dinner, I realized that it was not my team that had the problem, it was me. I was the one not “into things.” While each of us has his or her own demons, in this case, the Team was only following my lead. I realized that was more interested in looking cool and playing “dress-up” than in giving the message God had for them. I resolved to seek the Lord before I sought anything or anyone else. Tuesday night I thought out what I would say to the “Missions Team.”

Fittingly, on Wednesday, I huddled the Team up before the children came in. We had about fifteen minutes. I told them what is written above and apologized for leading them in the wrong direction. I told them that I had made this all about me and in the shuffle, they, the students and the message was lost. We all agreed to pray about this mission and our role in it. We did. All prayed – honest prayers from the heart. I felt forgiven by them and by God.

The confirmation was not long in coming. God led me to turn over vast portions to my Team which I did. I should never have doubted them. They rose ‘way above their fears of speaking to a group and not only put forth material but actually led the children. With several classes, we had some very good child-like prayer time.

After it was over all of us were excited and looking forward to the next day.  It’s amazing what wisdom God has for us if we choose to listen.

P.S. It's Friday and VBS has concluded. I will really miss the Team. When we put on the last rotation of the day, I made my cellphone ring and walked out leaving the Team to put on the whole presentation - which they did without missing a beat. 

Attached are the 5 days slides. If anyone is still to put on this particular VBS and want these mission slides, E-mail me offline and I'll send them to you.Slideshare - Free Enroll and see the VBS slides

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