Saturday, June 27, 2009

Alabama, Alabama, We Will Aye Be True to Thee

"Alabama" is the state song so adopted by the state legislature in 1931. However, the poem, "Alabama" was originally written by Miss Julia Tutwiler in the 1870s. She had studied in Germany and while there, became enamoured of the "Austrian Hymn" the German National Anthem. When she returned to Alabama, she was impressed to write the poem "Alabama" to be sung to that tune.

After World War I and with the rise of Nazism in Germany, all things German fell out of vogue, so the Alabama Federation of Music Clubs commissioned a contest to write a new tune to the poem. The winning entry was submitted by Mrs. Edna Gockel Gussen of Birmingham. In 1931, by Act No. 31-126, "Julia Tutwiler's "Alabama," set to Mrs Gussen's tune, became the official state song.

The song describes the width and breadth of the Great State of Alabama and each verse, save the last, ends with a pledge, "we will aye (ever) be true to the." The last stanza personalizes the pledge as it ends, "I will aye be true to thee.

Today, we will sing Miss Tutwiler's hymn-poem as she would have sung it - to the tune of the more singable and familiar "Austrian Hymn."

The full text follows:

Alabama, Alabama, We will aye be true to thee,
From thy Southern shore where groweth, By the sea thine orange tree.
To thy Northern vale where floweth Deep and blue thy Tennessee.
Alabama, Alabama, We will aye be true to thee!

Broad the Stream whose name thou bearest; Grand thy Bigbee rolls along;
Fair thy Coosa-Tallapoosa, Bold thy Warrior, dark and strong.
Goodlier than the land that Moses Climbed lone Nebo's Mount to see
Alabama, Alabama, We will aye be true to thee!

From thy prairies broad and fertile, Where thy snow-white cotton shines.
To the hills where coal and iron, Hide in thy exhaustless mines.
Strong-armed miners--sturdy farmers: Loyal hearts what'er we be.
Alabama, Alabama, We will aye be true to thee!

From the quarries where the marble, White as that of Paros gleams
Waiting till thy sculptor's chisel, Wake to like thy poet's dream;
For not only wealth of nature, Wealth of mind hast thou to fee.
Alabama, Alabama, We will aye be true to thee!

Where the perfumed south-wind whispers, Thy magnolia groves among,
Softer than a mother's kisses, Sweeter than a mother's song;
Where the golden jasmine trailing, Woos the treasure-laden bee,
Alabama, Alabama, We will aye be true to thee!

Brave and pure thy men and women, Better this than corn and wine,
Make us worthy, God in Heaven, Of this goodly land of Thine;
Hearts as open as our doorways, Liberal hands and spirits free,
Alabama, Alabama, We will aye be true to thee!

Little, little, can I give thee, Alabama, mother mine;
But that little--hand, brain, spirit, All I have and am are thine.
Take, O take the gift and giver. Take and serve thyself with me,
Alabama, Alabama, I will aye be true to thee.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Lost Briefcase - The Found Prayer

Susan had surgery today at the hospital surgery center. I had await in the waiting room. I brought my brief case complete with books to read, Bible and devotional book, TREO and my flash drive with a lot of work on it. Surgery went well and I picked Susan up at the drive out and we went home.

At home I figured out that I had left my briefcase in the waiting room. I panicked. It had all that stuff in it. Work lost, treo with all my contacts, financial info and the books and Bible (which I didn't read after all.)I called the place and they called themselves looking for it and found nothing. In a semi-panic, I set out for the place even though they said it wasn't there. On the way, I thought, "thou fool, why are you panicking about this, why have you not just prayed about it? Remember Philippians 4 to worry about nothing but pray about everything. So. I did. I prayed hard and desperately. I asked God that if He could find it in his will, I sure needed that stuff. I meant business. Some of that equipment belonged to the State and I had to account for it. Selfish, I know but I prayed it just the same. I asked God to show me what He wanted me to learn from that experience.

When I arrived, the case was right where I left it. Right where they said it wasn't. Either one of two things happened - either they didn't look very closely for it or perhaps it was actually gone, but God sent it back. The former is the more probable, but the latter is entirely possible. I've seen it happen before. I've seen God re-call history - cause a do-over, give another chance

So, what's the lesson? Perhaps it's in the praying. I pray regularly., but not fervently and desperately. If I prayed as fervently and desperately about things that really matter more than a lost briefcase, I believe God would take notice.

The question is will I take this lesson to heart or will it be lost like the briefcase? We'll see.