Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Christmas Poem 2013 - General Thoughts

This is the second installment of the making of the poem. To see the combination of sources from which this is drawn, see the previous post. Herein below is the gist of the poem to be offered.  The trick will be to succinctly pack it into the Alouette metaphor and form.

Christmas Poem 2013, General Thoughts

I am indebted to Jeanie Jones for implanting the idea of Alouette in my head. I am more indebted to God for His presence in the three visions.

The absolute truth is that Natural Man, in this natural state, is a beast with no more of a live spirit than that of a bird.

However, falling for the literal “oldest sin in the book,” Pride, he thinks of himself as in himself, looking into a mirror of his own making, seeing in himself, something special, a lark with beautiful plumage and an intelligent and beautiful song.

His pride motivates him to announce his beauty to the people of the world, whom he believes as Ayn Rand famously said, are merely parts of his dream.  Likewise, he foists his ignorant song on them believing, in his delusion that they will remember and love him forever and thus he will achieve, on his own, immortality. 

As long as he remains in his natural state, he will likewise remain a mere beast and in so doing, consign himself to the ultimate fate of the beast, ultimate oblivion. It is only by the beneficent action of an outside independent intervening force that the realization of his real self, the ugliness he has of body, the insignificance of his song, and the wrong-headed direction of his will and motivation can, but not necessarily must, come.

He will always be a beast until someone disabuses him of these fallacious and serf-serving notions. What must occur is a slow process of “plucking away” the plumage, feather by feather, part by part until he is undeniably confronted with the “self” as he really exists.

Only in that instant is he prepared to receive the gift of the Numinous, a quickened spirit with which he can view himself, the world and the Numinous as they all really are.

That gift comes merely by the nearness of the presence of the Numinous which, in and of itself is a gift. This divine presence offers the means, the method and the motivation to change the lark’s vision and focus.

The Numinous’ presence demands a response, the one thing that the Numinous cannot give him. The question is then presented, “Will the Lark look into the mirror or into the face of the Numinous?” In the former direction, he will play out his strutting, flabellation of his plumage, and skirl of his song until he is no more. In the latter direction, he, reborn a new creature, will cease all such nonsense and for the first time and forever fly in the direction of the Numinous until the lark reaches him.

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